Lamar Odom Joins the MicDrop Team

The moment we saw the title of the book, we were intrigued. “From Darkness to Light: A Memoir by Lamar Odom”.
The description reads “Fame. Sex. Pain. Drugs. Death. Booze. Money. Addiction. Redemption.” The word that caught our attention was “redemption”. In a world where public shame is virtually a currency, is redemption still possible? Is there a way to recover and to be truly redeemed? Clearly Lamar thinks so. 

As do we.

At the heart of MicDrop is the belief that everyone has a story; at our deepest core though, is the belief that our stories are not accidents. At any point in time, we are free to step out of our story and utilize it as a way to heal ourselves and the world. To step out doesn’t mean that we can control what is happening; it means that we can give different meaning to events that have happened. Viktor Frankl famously said that the last of man’s freedoms “is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances”.

Lamar’s story is very much still happening. Only last week, he was cut by the Big 3 days before returning to Rhode Island, where his professional journey with basketball began. Lamar was devastated to receive the news of his deactivation. 

But it’s not the end for Lamar. By joining the MicDrop team, Lamar will be empowered with the skills and resources to impart millions with his story. 

Speakers are not born; speakers are built. Join the journey now to see firsthand how it all unfolds.

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